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Making a photo back drop

One of the first things I learned was, you had to have nice photos. Now for mock ups and quick "Can I see a photo" I will be honest, I use my phone. Watching 5 kids and trying to keep them from destroying the house doesn't leave much time for me to set up the backdrop, lights (if need be), get the perfect placement and snap that amazing photo (granted, I am giving my photo skills way too much credit).

The thing is I want nice photos, but, getting everything set up takes a minute. So, I cheated. I created a backdrop that is ready to go, does not have to be unrolled and weighted down so it won't close in my project.

Foam core from the dollar store, packing tape and scissors and I was ready.

I unrolled the backdrop and put my piece of form core (I had already cut it with an x-acto knife).

Folded the edges over and secured them with packing tape (any tape with do, just what I had on hand).

One the other two sides I folded like a present, I thought it made it look cleaner, but, really any fold, as long as it is clean is a good fold.

Then I was done,

Finished project. I made 2, one that was 12"x12" (for smaller things, key chains, etc.) and one that was bigger for shirts and things.

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